Jack sheng Menstrual cup, the lifeline of women in the menstrual cycle. One of the most embarrassing things about women is the problems during menstrual cycles, tampon don't cause awkward situations in time. To avoid that problem, many women have now opted to use menstrua... #cocnguyetsan #menstrualcups antoan bienchat silicon silicone siliconeproduct suckhoe Dec 28, 2022 Jack sheng Rubber and Silicone, which materials are safe for your health What is rubber? Rubber is usually processed from rubber tree sap. Even. As a polymer chemically based material with high mechanical strength and elastic deformation, waterproof, good insulation, rubbe... antoan caosu caosuvasilicone silicone siliconeproduct suckhoe sukhacnhaucaosuvasilicone topsheng Dec 11, 2022